
All FSHC activities featured in various media

Podcast - 05.09.2023

KORE Women Podcast


This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Anja Zibert, who is the Founder of Free Spirit Human Capital, an HR Disruptor, Tribe Magician, HR Inspirator, Intuitive Career Empowerer, and Team Heart Intelligence Facilitator!

Video podcast - 15.08.2023

Going Commando With Angela and Dana (and Anja)


Join us for a special episode of Going Commando where the “ladies” of Commando unite with their favourite free spirit, Anja Žibert, for some lighthearted conversation among friends about recruitment and life challenges.

Video podcast - 22.06.2023

Business Heartprints - Heart-Based Scaling Strategies


Join us in this session of Business Heartprints where we have delved into the importance of self-awareness, personality assessments, and their crucial role in scaling businesses.