Who is Anja Žibert?

HR Inspirator And (Heart) Energy Recruitment Specialist

About me

Who am I and why am I here?

I’m a modern ambassador of global HR and recruiting transformation.

I firmly believe that past experiences do not define us. What defines is what we are now and what we believe we can become tomorrow.

I also believe that we are all connected by default on many levels. And this connection is based on how we as people think, feel, behave and act and in general, these “energetic waves” of magnetic energy are known as our vibration.

So when we are talking about synergies between people in the personal or professional environment we are actually talking about vibration/frequency matches.

Based on this fact and my personal experiences I have founded Free Spirit Human Capital company and I’m on a mission to empower HR professionals, teams, and job seekers with knowledge about marketing (personal energy brand, employer energy brand), personal growth, spiritual growth and also with the fact that HR it’s not about human resources but human relations and connection between people on a deeper level.


  • you are a company owner struggling to find the best talent or

  • your team needs some motivation/inspiration or

  • you are someone who feels it’s time for a change

… I can (most probably) help you with your challenges!

It doesn’t matter if you are a Nobel Prize Winner, a billionaire or a cashier at a local shop – if you are a human being with good intentions, I can help you (or your team) to activate the power of your heart energy to change your current situation.

Perfect-for-you candidates already exist!
Perfect-for-you employer already exists!
The perfect-for-you team already exists!

You need to align your own/your company’s vibrational frequencies with the wanted reality. And trust me, it’s easier than you might think..

I can help you with:


  • Energy Employer Brand

  • Heart Energy Recruitment

  • Team Energy Management

  • Culture / Energy Fit Strategy

  • Activating The Heart Of Teams


  • Career Empowerment

  • Personal Energy Brand

  • CV energy optimization

  • Linkedin energy optimization

My goal is to build a new bridge between talents and employers based on my own experience and the feedback of many individuals (and companies) I have met over the years, empowering them with useful and conrete information that they obviously cannot / do not know how to exchange and create long-term synergies between them.


What can you expect from me?

Comprehensive and
professional support

I assist in broadening your understanding of recruitment and exploring career opportunities.

Values of integrity
and authenticity

I commit to integrity and authenticity in my work.

Innovative approach
and creativity

With the concept of energy-based recruitment, rooted in the paradigm of universal connectivity, I bring fresh ideas and methods to the HR field.

and synergy

Collaborating with a business tribe of top professionals, we build strong connections and synergies, facilitating effective collaboration between talents and companies.


My goal is to empower individuals with valuable and actionable information they need for a successful career path.

Heart energy
and fun

My work is based on heart energy, which is crucial in building positive relationships.


Inspired people



Awakened companies



Years of experience



HeartMath Certificate


If you want to predict the future, create it!

Are you ready to expand your awareness about recruitment?


Business is collaboration, not competition!

Perry Knoppert

Founder the Octopus Movement, aka Dr. Octopus, bringing 1 billion nonlinear thinkers together to think differently and solve global problems. Curious Disrupter, Philanthropist, Octovist.

"In a world teeming with linear constructs, it's refreshing to find a mind like Anja's that resonates with the nonlinear flow of the Octopus Movement. An incredible friend from California introduced me to Anja, bridging the gap from Slovenia to the Netherlands, and I couldn't be more grateful. We are all floating in a vast sea of consciousness, connected through our shared mission to bring positive change to the world. When you experience the genuine, heartfelt care Anja provides, you'll realize you've discovered a unique node in this interconnected network—a mind that shares the same ethos of unity and compassion. Thank you, Anja, for being a remarkable part of our nonlinear journey toward creating a greater good.”


Noeli Naima

Co-Founder & CEO Heart Strategy Coach Consultant PT/EN/ES/DE

“From our first encounter, I placed my trust in Anja, and our connection was as simple as a smile. She entered my life through my business partner, Micaela Buenemann, and our mutual admiration has grown as our collaborations unfolded. My expertise lies in channeling an energy balance technology called Vibrational Recalibration, a response to the times we live in. I’ve incorporated over 20 years of knowledge as a Naturopath specializing in Aromatherapy, Yoga therapy, Ayurveda Medicine, Energy Healing, Radiesthesia, Consulting, and Coaching. We founded Heartegy, a Coaching & Consulting Collective dedicated to infusing more heart into business strategies by combining classic coaching and consulting with holistic approaches. Anja and I share a similar and aligned mission: to bring more heart-centered strategies to the world and build heart-centered empires. It feels like our energy is actively drawing our tribe, and we’re thrilled about the adventures ahead as we spread heart-centered strategies together. To learn more about me, visit www.Heartegy.com.”


Jeremy Barr

CEO | VC | $1B+ | Founder & Leadership Mentor | Building the largest investor & founder network globally | PE | M&A | Keynote Speaker | Advisor

I love what Anja is doing. She’s really good at assessing people at a heart level and upleveling people to be more collaborative and productive at work.


Sergeja Medovič

Strastna raziskovalka človeškega potenciala in možnosti za izpolnjeno življenje, s certifikacijo PCC (Professional Certified Coach) pri Mednarodni zvezi za coaching (ICF) ter izkušnjami kot Gallup Strengths coach

Anjo poznam že skoraj desetletje, in najino poznanstvo se je začelo v poslovnem okolju, vendar se je hitro razvilo tudi v osebno sfero. Sodelovanje z Anjo je vedno poseben užitek, saj je njen vpliv na delo in posameznike izjemno. Tako avtentična in srčna oseba, kot je Anja, je redka v svetu poslovnega sodelovanja. Verjamem v neizmeren potencial, ki se skriva v vsakem posamezniku. Moje delo je osredotočeno na pomoč posameznikom pri prepoznavanju tega potenciala, premagovanju omejitev in vzpostavljanju povezave s samim seboj. V Anji sem našla neprecenljivega partnerja pri tem. Anja je strastna zagovornica vrednosti vsakega posameznika. Ne omejuje se zgolj na družbene koncepte vrednosti posameznika, temveč se vzpne nadnje in poveže posameznika s svojo lastno notranjo vrednostjo, ki je marsikomu nevidna ali nedosegljiva. Odkrivanje in povezovanje lastne vrednosti je ključno za premagovanje nepotrebnih ovir in dvigovanje lastnih energetskih vibracij. To omogoča, da živimo polno življenje, kar pa ima pomemben vpliv tudi na vse druge ljudi v naši okolici. Veselim se nadaljnjega sodelovanja z Anjo in sem neizmerno hvaležna za vse, kar prispeva v našo družbo.


Jennifer K. Hill

Guiding CEOs and top-tier executives, empowering them to discover equilibrium and resilience in an era of burnout

Anja and I first crossed paths during a HeartMath training in July 2022, and an instant connection sparked between us. Interestingly, both of us share a background in recruitment. I couldn't help but admire Anja's innovative approach to transforming the recruitment landscape. Since then, our collaboration has flourished through webinars and calls. What truly stands out is Anja's unwavering commitment to enhancing the lives of those she encounters. As someone who is on a mission to help leaders thrive amidst the chaos – I deeply appreciate this quality.


Shehnaz Soni

Rocket Scientist, Bestselling Author, Quantum Coach

I follow the breadcrumbs that are on my path. That is how I met Anja. She shines her light in her words, actions, and conversation. She makes everything easy. I like to see where the marriage of heart and mind leads to. We are here to understand ourselves through others. Let the experience begin. We are both interested in heart-based communities. We are ready to bring the paradigm shift by being the change we have envisioned for humanity.


Karmen Pangos

High performance coach

Z Anjo se poznava ze dolgo časa. Spoznali sva se v poslu in že na začetku izjemno dobro sodelovali. Skozi leta sta se najini energiji močno prepletli do te mere, da sva postali zelo povezani in ta srčna energija je najino druženje in tudi sodelovanje še nadgradila. Anja premika meje na področju, ki je tako zelo pomembno za življenje posameznika. Njen celosten pogled na človeka in srčna obravnava posameznika v procesu karierne poti je njena izjemna vrednost. Najino sodelovanje se ves čas prepleta, ker naju povezujejo iste vrednote in vem, da še nisva rekli zadnje. Velikokrat si rečeva, da sva dve zorni kotici, saj iz dveh zornih kotov izkušenj, znanja in energij vidiva isto celoto in to je človeka v vsej svoji veličini, ki si zasluži obilje v vseh pogledih in uresničitev svojih potencialov.


Maya Peron

Večna zagovornica prijaznosti in vere v dobro, ​avtorica, ​mentorica, motivatorka in mastermind Vilinskih simbolov

Z Anjo sva se "prepoznali" na enem od mojih dogodkov in zagotovo sta nama skupni ljubezen do življenja in vera v dobro. Občudujem Anjino predanost njenemu poslantvu, ki ne temelji zgolj na navdušenju, ampak predvsem na izkušnjah in strokovnosti. Všeč mi je njen celosten pristop in prepričana sem, da prav zato njeni klienti dosegajo takšne rezultate. Anja je tudi navdušena uporabnica Vilinskih simbolov in iz tega razloga naju zagotovo čaka še precej skupnih projektov. Vse je energija in energija je vse - z jasno namero, pravo energijsko podporo in pozitivno naravnanostjo, pa gre vse še lažje.


Ron Folkertsma & Simone Bouhuijs

Facilitators in raising personal and global consciousness, Senior trainers EMF program at Peter Sage Academy

✨Meet your true self and create a new future rather than complaining about your current one!✨ Being part of Anja's business tribe is an absolute blessing and an addition to our own professional awareness and high-consciousness training facilities. She has proven to be an intuitively clear and very enthusiastic power woman, both as a person and in the field of recruitment. She has the ability to name unnoticed human traits so that her clients can make more informed decisions about their future. Since our move to Slovenia, she has been a valuable supportive partner for our Awareness Trainings and professionally guided Contemplative Retreats. Together, we look forward to a growing number of successful contributions to raising higher consciousness in this world. For enquiries, don't hesitate to get in touch with us: Ron Folkertsma & Simone Bouhuijs ronfolkertsma@gmail.com simonebouhuijs@gmail.com


Dana Sardano

Empowering People with an Authentic, Loving Kick in the Pants | 4x Author | Artist + Owner Ubuntu Fish Gallery | Going Commando Podcast Co-Host | Frog-Loving Fanilow

I love collaborating with Anja Zibert because I align very much with her mission and share a similar worldview. Anja understands energy at such a deep level, and through that depth of understanding, connects with others through the heart, able to effect change based on that connection alone. Like Anja, my primary purpose is to empower people to thrive in their careers. Utilizing my 25+ year career in education and administration as well as my flagship book Ten Recommandments for Personal Empowerment as a well-defined roadmap, I help people create and fortify their foundation. In the simplest of terms, I teach people how to get what they want out of life in order to live fulfilling, purposeful existences, thus becoming happier, motivated and productive humans! My co-founder Angela DiMarco and I are a powerhouse team that provides services from Core-to-Credo to empower individuals and help organizations thrive by taking a two-pronged approach to fostering an engaged and happy workforce.


Angela DiMarco

Empowering People with Visionary Brand + Culture Consulting / Chief Creative Officer / Going Commando with Angela & Dana Podcast Co-Host / Human-lovin' Human

I feel so connected to Anja Zibert because everything Anja does is heart-centered, and her mission, through her own brand of giftedness, is to empower all with whom she encounters. Collaborating with Anja on any project is my contribution to making the world a better place. Like Anja, my primary purpose is to empower people to thrive in their careers. Utilizing my 25+ year career as a strategic creative and brand marketer, I lead branding and culture development through our UPC Core-to-Credo program, in which I collaborate with my co-founder Dana Sardano (The Core). Together, we are a powerhouse team that provides services from Core-to-Credo to empower individuals and help organizations thrive by taking a two-pronged approach to fostering an engaged and happy workforce.


Sandi Jug

Terapevt, trener, HR svetovalec, raziskovalec stanj zavesti in srčne senzorike, izumitelj ter avtor knjig

V svoji petindvajset letni praksi raziskovanj, pomoči drugim in ustvarjanja novih pristopov, tehnik in tehnoloških rešitev, rad sodelujem z ljudmi, ki so srčno povezani v sebi in širijo jasno vizijo novega, v srcu osrediščenega sveta, ki trka na vrata. Anja nedvomno spada med te posebne duše, in zato sva se tudi hitro ujela in začela sodelovati. Prepričan sem, da njen izjemen doprinos v sfere poslovnega sveta, v kombinaciji z našo »Heart connections« tehnologijo in znanjem, lahko veliko pridoda v smeri boljšega, bolj srčnega sveta.

get in touch

Do you have HR or career challenges? Let's get to know each other and I'll introduce you to solutions you haven't even thought of!

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