What can Free Spirit Human Capital do for you?

If you resonate with anything written below, it's about time we meet!

Kadrovska agencija s srcem.

Čas je za kvantni miselni preskok v procesih zaposlovanja – od koncepta človeških virov do koncepta iskrenih človeških odnosov - s srčno energijo.

New Perspective on HR

Reconnecting people and companies

In an era of rapid technological advancement and relentless change, human connection is lost and the spirit of work is often dimmed.

Employees feel disconnected, companies struggle with genuine leadership, and both seek meaning beyond just monetary rewards. Many professionals and organizations are experiencing spiritual awakenings, yearning for more than just conventional success.

That's where we come in. We are not just another HR (consulting) agency. We are a human empowerment agency focused on reconnection and transformation. We bridge the gap between the spiritual journey and the corporate ladder.

profil slika
Mentorship for Jobseekers

For those on the path of spiritual awakening, finding a job that aligns with your true self can be challenging. We provide guidance, support, and mentorship to help you find not just a job, but a soulful purpose.

  • Career Empowerment

  • Personal Energy Brand

  • CV energy optimization

  • Linkedin energy optimization

Guidance for Companies

Companies are made of people, and when people change, companies must too. We aid businesses undergoing spiritual transitions, ensuring they emerge more connected, compassionate, and driven by purpose.

  • HR mentorship

  • Energy Employer Brand

  • Heart Energy Recruitment

  • Team Energy Management

  • Culture/Energy Fit Recruitment Strategy

  • Activating The Heart Of Teams

  • Conscious Outplacement

With our unique blend of spiritual and corporate expertise, we offer bespoke solutions tailored to the nuanced needs of both individuals and companies. We respect where you are in your spiritual journey, whether you're taking the first step or are far along the path.

Reimagine the future of work with FREE SPIRIT HUMAN CAPITAL. Where your spirit is free to evolve, and your human capital becomes your most treasured asset. Let's co-create workplaces where the soul thrives, and businesses flourish.

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